Responsabilities of the Permanent Delegation
The Permanent Delegation represents the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany vis-a-vis the UNESCO Secretariat and other Member States.
It pools and aligns the work of different ministries within the German government and coordinates it with other UNESCO members. Working together with international partners from among UNESCO’s 194 member countries and in dialogue with the UNESCO Secretariat, it drafts resolutions in which work assignments for the organization are stipulated and spelled out in detail.

As an intermediary between UNESCO and the German government, the Permanent Delegation’s tasks also include active participation in the meetings of UNESCO bodies, especially the three governing bodies: the General Conference, the Executive Board and the Secretariat.
It presents Germany’s positions and lines of argument so that these are taken into account in discussions and decision-making processes. This work takes place in the six official languages of the United Nations (English, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Arabic), primarily in English and French. It informs German government departments about outcomes and about other parties’ lines of argument.
This reporting enables the German government to make decisions on the basis of reliable information and authoritative assessments. Depending on the topic, relevant experts are integrated into the delegations from, for example, the German Commission for UNESCO, ministries, the scientific community and the education sector.
The Permanent Delegation’s reporting and analysis incorporate the activities and knowledge of a variety of German experts, partner organisations, intermediary organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), etc., with which the Permanent Delegation maintains ongoing contact in different forums. These include thematic and regional associations of partner countries such as the Geneva Group and the Group of European Union Member States.
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