Ambassador Kerstin Pürschel

Ambassador Kerstin Pürschel, © photothek.net
Since August 2023: Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Germany to UNESCO
2019-2023: Head of Division for Human Ressources, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
2016-2019: Legal Adviser and Deputy Head of the Political Department, Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN, New York
2014-2016: Deputy Head of the Division for Strategic Review of the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
2012-2014: Deputy Head of the Division for Human Ressources, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
2009-2012: Deputy Ambassador of the German Embassy in San José, Costa Rica
2007-2009: Desk Officer in the Division for Human Ressources, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
2005-2007: Desk Officer in the Division for International Criminal Law, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
2001: Entry into the Federal Foreign Office and diplomatic training
1999-2001: Editorial Journalist, Press and Information Office of the Federal Government, Berlin
1989-1998: University degree and State Exams in Law, Germany; Exchange Student in Japan and Spain; 1-year employment as Coordinator for International Relations in Japan