Protection of Cultural Property in the Lebanon

Signature of the funding agreement on 27th November 2024, © Permanent Delegation of Germany to UNESCO
Germany supports the UNESCO Fund for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict with a voluntary contribution of 50.000 Euros. These funds should be used for endangered cultural property in the Lebanon. On 18th November 2024, UNESCO decided in an extraordinary session to grant enhanced protection under the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention (1999) to 34 Lebanese cultural sites and to approve protective measures.
Ambassador Kerstin Pürschel and the Assistant Director-General for Culture, Ernesto Ottone, signed a funding agreement on 27th November at UNESCO Headquarters.
By means of the Fund, UNESCO provides emergency relief and implements preventive measures in times of peace as well as projects in post conflict scenarios. During the past years, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Mali and Libya benefitted form these funds.
For more information: https://www.unesco.org/en/heritage-armed-conflicts/international-fund?hub=415